Place your mining equipment in Ethiopia — Crypto mining in Ethiopia with BitCluster

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          Home Ethiopia

          BitCluster’s mining facility in Ethiopia!

          per kW/h
          All inclusive
          12-22 °C
          Ideal climatic conditions for mining operations.
          uptime of equipment
          120 MW
          Available power capacity

          About the mining facility in Addis Ababa

          A modular type site where mining modules are already placed, connected and ready to install equipment.
          Excellent investment climate and working side by side in the industrial zone with companies such as Unilever, JTI and others.
          High professionalism, wide public awareness and openness of the company guarantee fruitful work and minimize the risks of investors.
          A full range of security: modern cybersecurity systems, armed guards, surveillance cameras and a security system.
          45 minutes
          from the Addis Ababa International airport
          Environmentally friendly, green hydroelectric power

          Best conditions for mining

          Throughout the year, temperatures in Ethiopia typically range from 9°C to 24°C These are ideal conditions for mining; ASICs will not overheat or freeze.
          32 °C
          28 °C
          24 °C
          20 °C
          16 °C
          12 °C
          8 °C
          4 °C
          0 °C
          Daytime Temperature
          Nighttime Temperature

          Ethiopia is closer than it seems

          13 hours
          Daily direct flights
          8 hours
          Direct flights
          Port of Djibouti
          14 hours
          Delivery of goods by road
          4 hours
          Daily direct flights
          Hong Kong
          11 hours
          Direct flights
          Port of Djibouti – one of the most developed in the region, “Gateway to Africa”
          Addis Ababa Bole Airport – the largest on the continent
          Direct flights from almost all capitals of the world. Just 4 hours from Dubai
          Ready to answer all Your questions
          Contact us
          Leave your inquiry and our manager will get in touch with you shortly.





              Photo Gallery

              Bitcoin Mining Center in Ethiopia

              Why Ethiopia Has Become the New Global Hub for Mining

              Ethiopia, with its unique natural resources and rapid technological development, has emerged as a significant player on the global cryptocurrency mining stage. The key factor is the availability of affordable energy provided by local hydroelectric plants, such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, one of the largest in Africa.

              This unique opportunity to use clean energy significantly reduces the environmental footprint of cryptocurrency mining, while other regions of the world still rely on fossil fuels.

              Ethiopia also benefits from its strategic geographical location and accessibility for infrastructure investments. Government support for the development of the digital economy and cryptocurrency technologies actively attracts international investors and tech startups to the country.

              Our Data Center in Ethiopia Offers Unique Conditions for Clients:

              • Large available capacity of 120 MW
              • Rate from $0.049 per kWh, all inclusive!
              • 98% equipment uptime, which is rare to find.
              • Comprehensive security: modern cybersecurity systems, armed guards, surveillance cameras, and access control.
              • 45 minutes from Addis Ababa National Airport.

              So, if you’re considering where to best place your mining equipment, our site in Ethiopia is ready for you! Here’s what major media outlets say about us and our facility:

              BitCluster’s decision to establish a major Bitcoin mining hub in Ethiopia carries a substantial advantage for the nation’s economy. As global interest in cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin continues to rise, Ethiopia stands to benefit from this strategic partnership. The project’s scalability positions Ethiopia as a favorable location for continuous Bitcoin mining operations, attracting attention from international stakeholders. (Read full article here)


              A recent announcement by Ethiopian Electric Power has revealed that the state utility has garnered in excess of $2 million in foreign currency payments from merely two recently sanctioned Bitcoin mining enterprises.This influx of financial resources signifies a growing trend, as EEP has disclosed that 25 mining firms have petitioned to collaborate with the state electric utility. Among them, four companies have initiated operations, five are in the process of constructing data centers, and ten others are in the preparatory stages for launch.

              Of considerable significance within the forthcoming investments in the cryptocurrency sector, which exemplify the profitability of the endeavor, is the planned development of a $250 million Bitcoin mining facility on the outskirts of Addis Abeba by the Russian company BitCluster. (Read full here)

              And here’s what the media generally says about mining in Ethiopia:


              Addis Abeba — In the heart of East Africa, a surprising powerhouse is rising in the world of cryptocurrency. Ethiopia, long overlooked in the tech world, is suddenly capturing global attention as a powerhouse on the cryptocurrency frontier. With vast untapped renewable energy resources, rock-bottom electricity costs, and a government hungry for foreign direct investment (FDI), Ethiopia is becoming a magnet for Bitcoin miners worldwide. In recent times, renowned international media outlets have been reporting regarding Ethiopia’s emergence as a focal point for Bitcoin miners worldwide. (Read full here)


              Despite the ban on crypto trading in the country, 2022 saw the ratification of favorable data mining laws that permit “high-performance computing” and “data mining,” which is where bitcoin mining falls under. In the last two years, this has opened the floodgates to miners seeking its comparatively positive reception to bitcoin mining, coupled with its abundance of energy sources—chiefly hydro—to its optimal weather and cheap energy costs. (Read full here)


              Ethiopia possesses approximately 5,200 MW of installed generation capacity, primarily sourced from hydropower, which accounts for about 90% of the total. The remaining 10% is derived from wind and thermal sources. Additionally, Ethiopia is in the final stages of constructing the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD), anticipated to have an installed capacity of 5,150 MW. This abundance of renewable energy sources has made electricity affordable and abundant, making it an ideal environment for bitcoin mining, an energy-intensive activity. (Read full here)

              Join BitCluster and take advantage of the opportunity to place your mining equipment in the most suitable location. If you have any questions, we are always ready to answer them.

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