BitCluster installed a Steampunk-style Bitcoin sculpture

Bitcoin sculpture or art object in the Steampunk style is installed by BitCluster in front of the BitCluster Nord data center in Norilsk. The composition is made of scrap metal.
“When we first saw the area around facility, we noticed tons of old metal structures covered with bright rust over the years . It all looked like a MadMax movie set. Immediately we got an idea to make a thematic art object out of it. And, of course, the Bitcoin symbol best suited for this.
Now Norilsk has become a new home and a center of attraction for many miners. And Bitcoin symbol is quite possible to become a new location for cryptoselfi) ” – said the founder of BitCluster Vitaly Borshchenko.
The sculpture installed on December 22, 2020. It is interesting that the date symbolically coincided with the celebration of the day of energy in Russia. On the picture, sparks fly during welding, when a bitcoin sculpture made of scrap metal is installed on a pedestal.